Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Design Software

Experience unparalleled efficiency with our Helical Coil Heat Exchanger Design Software, designed to streamline the thermal design calculations for helical coil heat exchangers.

£90.00£450.00 – 5 Licenses (Valid for 3 years)

This robust tool handles all sizing and thermal calculations, delivering a comprehensive summary of results. Explore the features and limitations of our cutting-edge software:

Helical Coil Heat Exchamger Software

Key Features

  • Virus-Free: Completely safe and secure.
  • Design Versatility: Supports two models—Model 1 with core tube design and Model 2 without core tube design.
  • Unit Flexibility: Supports both S.I Units and English (U.S) Units.
  • Comprehensive Unit Converter: Includes 23 measurement units with 200-unit conversions.
  • Custom Nusselt Correlation: Add and use your own correlations.
  • Save/Load Results: Easily save and load your project data.

Calculations Capabilities

  • Temperature Calculations: Determine unknown cold or hot side temperatures, or any two temperatures on both sides.
  • Flow Rate Calculations: Calculate unknown flow rates for either hot or cold sides, or both if heat duty and temperatures are specified.
  • Pressure Drops: Calculate frictional, inlet, outlet, and total pressure drops for both shell and tube sides.
  • Heat Transfer Coefficients: Determine overall heat transfer coefficients for both shell and tube sides, including Nusselt number estimation.
  • Area and Heat Load: Calculate area and heat load (heat duty).
  • Vessel Dimensions: Determine vessel dimensions including length, height, and diameter.
  • Spiral Turns and Length: Calculate the number of spiral turns and length of the helical tube.

Database Integration

  • Fluid Properties: Estimate physical properties for over 1450 fluids, including thermal conductivity, density, heat capacity, viscosity, critical properties, boiling, and melting points.
  • Mixture Properties: Estimate properties of liquid mixtures.
  • User Database Functions: Add/delete fluids, tube geometric sizes, heat transfer coefficients, and load to hot/cold side.
  • Fouling Factors: Integrate fouling factors into calculations.
  • Custom Nusselt Correlations: Add and use your own correlations in three formats.

Visualization and Output

  • Temperature Profiles: Plot temperature profiles for counter-current and co-current flows, and detect temperature cross.
  • Result Export: Export results summary to Microsoft Excel Engineering Datasheet format and .rtf file format for Microsoft Word. Save and load results, and generate/print a summary of results.
  • Results Grid: Display multiple cases in the results grid.


  • Single Tube Units: Currently, multi-tube units are not supported.

Demo Version

Click here to download the demo version of the product.

Please also note that the demo version of this software will only operate with set examples which are restricted in our demo version and doesn’t necessary have all the updates added to the full version.

To compare the demo version with the full version simply check the update history of the full version against the version of the demo. The full version of this product does not have any restrictions.

We don’t offer a fully working demo version.

ClickScreen shots and videos demonstrations

Click here to see screen shots for this software on our Flickr gallery, For video demonstration please click here for our YouTube Channel here to watch the videos.

System Requirements

Helical coil heat exchanger software needs the following to operate:

1. Microsoft Windows operating system
2. 64 MB RAM
3. 30 MB free disk space
4. Microsoft Dot Net 4.8.1 Framework

Windows platform:
Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
32 bit & 64 bit operating systems.